Tremenheere Green
the village centre
area 23
awsom wells
hole in the head
off-centre centre
post office
waiting room
business trepanning
drilly day
parish noticeboard
public transport

Tremenheere Green

Trepanning's principle leyline runs through this serene scene and exerts its influence by making people feel understood and included.
This ancient line of power runs under the Green and beyond the menhirs (longstones) that give the Green its name - the oldest group of stones in the town.
The stones stand on a line in parabolic groups of three and are tuned by The Fine Tuner, a neolithic standing stone with a small bakelite dial rather like a central heating thermostat on one side. It is believed that the dial controls the Uh? variable which governs the amount of understanding and, hence, sex available to the tuner. It is almost always set to 10.

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