Awsom Wells
the village centre
area 23
awsom wells
hole in the head
off-centre centre
post office
waiting room
business trepanning
drilly day
parish noticeboard
public transport

Awsom Wells

This complex of three wells in Back Woods is at the centre of an ancient ceremony that involves five hundred yards of hemp rope, a bucket of sheep eyeballs and a barrel of tar.

Nobody will admit to knowing anything about the ceremony: what form it takes; how many, if any, people are involved or even when it occurs - but it was first rumoured to have "happened recently" a little while before records began. Since then it has probably happened again on more than one occasion.

In 1672, a travelling minstrel sung the following:

Oh, why don't we go down to Awsom Wells?
The mochlachwyn knobwort is ringing my bells.
The hempwhyrkfty muslappin has slarden in haste,
Make quingle in flupparn, my swergy doth paste.

He was found some days later, apparently he had said to much and was killed by his own neuro-linguistic programming.

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